Building a successful brand in a saturated cosmetic market is no easy task. Ask beauty guru Dr. Raffy Karamanoukian of Surgery 90210 in Beverly Hills and he’ll tell you it all boils down to having a meticulous aesthetic eye and an unquenchable thirst for innovation. In addition to being a renowned Los Angeles plastic surgeon and cosmetic surgery specialist, Dr. Karamanoukian is a leading beauty innovator known for introducing the Brazilian Cellulite Treatment and the Belly Button Makeover to a national audience on daytime television.
Knowing that not all his clients needed surgical procedures, his drive to innovate led him to develop Kare products, addressing the therapeutic requirements of daily skincare and improving on areas where existing products fail.
No matter what areas need attention, Kare products and regimens are dedicated to improving your skin’s health and giving you the carefree happiness of not stressing over your skin.