Management of Tummy Tuck Scars | Plato's Scar Therapy Mini Kit

July 01, 2017

Management of Tummy Tuck Scars | Plato's Scar Therapy Mini Kit

Management of Tummy Tuck Scars | Plato's Scar Therapy Mini Kit


Abdominolasty surgeries are very common in the United States and can dramatically improve  your abdominal contour by removing excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen. Often, a plastic surgeon can use an existing C-section scar to perform a mini-abdominoplasty or a full abdominoplasty. The management of tummy tuck scars depends on your propensity to keloid after your surgeries. Plato's Medicinals has developed a post-surgical scar regimen that can help you avoid the development of severe scarring after your abdominoplasty surgery.

Plato's Scar Therapy Mini Kit is designed to eliminate the most common patterns of poor scarring after a tummy tuck procedure. Plastic surgeons agree that early treatment is optimal for the prevention of bad scarring and advise patients to begin scar therapy once the skin heals over the incision sites. This often corresponds to the interval between the surgery and the removal of sutures from your incision.


A post-surgical regimen for scar therapy includes the following:

Morning regimen: 

Plato's Dark Scar Corrector: Apply on incision line.

Plato Scar Serum: Apply on incision line immediately after Dark Scar Corrector.


Evening regimen:

Plato's Dark Scar Corrector: Apply on incision line.

Plato Scar Serum: Apply on incision line immediately after Dark Scar Corrector.


After several weeks of application of Plato's scar serum and Plato's Dark Scar Corrector, your plastic surgeon may advise you to seek additional fractional laser therapy, scar modulation, and vascular laser to enhance the results of your abdominoplasty.

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